What We Do

What We Do
Alliance Education Associates (AEA) is a team of experienced consultants specializing in improving the programmatic and fiscal operations of public schools and municipalities.
More specifically, we partner with school and municipal administrators to:
Evaluate, and provide recommendations to improve, programs for students with disabilities and other struggling learners
Provide professional development for an array of stakeholders to build instructional capacity
Support school personnel with Coaching, Mentoring, and Technical Assistance to optimize leadership capacity
Financial Components
Maximize Medicaid recoupment;
Assess and insure cost-effectiveness of transportation systems

Our Educational Services
The staff of AEA have pioneered, implemented, and refined specific methodologies to analyze the delivery systems of special education programs and have undertaken over 300 ESA projects across the country during the last 20 years.
Our Educational Services Analyses (ESAs) are designed to:
Provide school systems with an analysis of the strengths and areas of opportunity of special education and related services programs
Identify practical and sustainable solutions to address overall program effectiveness.
Our methodology and expertise allow are team to address numerous areas.
Programmatic Components
Continuum of Supports
Financial ComponentsStudent Outcomes
Municipal Medicaid
School Construction
Staffing and Shared Services Feasibility Studies
Irrespective of the scope of the project District leadership chooses, all work is designed to be in partnership with leadership’s priorities and we ensure that there no “surprises” in our work. Samples of our past studies and references are available upon request.

Coaching, Mentoring, &
Technical Assistance
Through coaching, mentoring, and technical assistance, the staff of AEA works collaboratively school leaders to develop their requisite capacity so they can meet the ever-increasing challenges of their positions. Together, we build the skill-sets of special and general education administrators and business personnel, encourage informed decision-making, and create a culture that supports the improvement in your district.
When we work with instructional stakeholders, our coaching, mentoring, and technical assistance typically includes:
Climate and Culture
Establishing an authentic continuum of services
Response to Intervention Processes
Parent Engagement
Legal parameters
Establishing programmatic uniformity
Ensuring student performance (e.g.,graduation rates)
When we work with business officials, our coaching, mentoring, and technical assistance typically includes:
Optimizing transportation routing and scheduling
Competitive bidding for transportation
Instituting policies and procedures to optimize Medicaid reimbursement
Best practices in grant management at both federal (IDEA) and State levels
Cooperative purchasing/Contract negotiation
Physical plant and facilities construction (e.g., modular classrooms)
In addition, the staff of AEA have requisite capacity and mentors to provide additional areas of technical assistance that include, but are not limited to: municipal partnerships, food services, and human resources practices.

Professional Development
To optimize personnel capacity for both leadership and instructional staff, AEA provides ​year long executive coaching and mentoring for general education and special education staff.
Our work is guided by:
Enhancement and improvement in special education management capabilities
Emphasis on an educational-therapy delivery model built on collaboration with parents, general education teachers, principals, district administrators, and other stakeholders
Development of a learning culture that is performance-based, accountable, and robust
Focus on evidence-based practices with data analysis to support optimal student outcomes
Using flexible teams of experts to address new challenges with a high degree of responsiveness
Professional development programs are delivered in a variety of formats, including:
One-day training sessions to assist district leadership in strategic planning
Multiple-day sessions to assist instructional (including para-professionals) and related services staff implement best pedagogical practices
Year-long executive coaching and mentorship for special education staff new to their jobs or veterans in need of specific support